Homin Languages in Around chat

I like Jarnys' ideas 2 & 3, but not the first.

Translating all emotes of a character into his race's native language might promote the language. But - as Jarnys pointed out himself, players with little time to learn the language no longer understand the expression. We would be forcing something upon players, and that's never been a good thing. Also this would in fact restrict role play: For now my Zorai character chooses to be almost neutral with regards to the races. I would not want him to predominantly talk in Taki Zorai only. As a "Far Traveller", if I as a player had the time, I'd make it a point to talk in all four languages and change all the time to my liking.

Having additional linguists missions is a huge task, but might be something that could be "outsourced" to players who are very interested in RP language development. With the ARCC system this might be possible. I'd encourage interested folks to contact the event/csr team to see if that's feasible. I'd welcome further player added content.

Having the NPCs talk in their native language is an excellent idea, especially if it's not every NPC, 100% of the time. I previously started a discussion on the idea to have an NPC in cities walking around announcing public events - a city "announcer" or "market crier". Bringing more dynamic life into the life in the cities would be nice. I don't know how much of this could be done by the devs only, and how much could be done by interested players-become-event/csr folks.
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