Homin Languages in Around chat

Neela (atys)
I'd love to see more work done on the languages; why not learn your native tongue? :o)

Because not everyone is a lingual genius...
1. The older a person is the harder is it to learn a new language
2. The less a language is used the harder is it to learn

Because a lot of people don't have the time to learn a new language AND have fun playing the game

And there is almost no documentation regarding the languages in English or German - the few bits out there are mostly french.

It's not that I'm against promoting the languages but right now it's just too hard.
Rewriting all mission texts MIGHT help here but I think that'd be a huge task invested better in other things.
But I'm against publishing the race-channels in around (even if "translated") for multiple reasons:
1. same as Neela said: things meant for Matis only shouldn't be heard by Fyros (same for the other races)
2. how is it supposed to be translated? If I speak in the Fyros channel it could be German or English or even a mix.

Here are some things that I think could be done to promote the languages though (most would be in around chat as well):
1. Translate the default emotes and depending on the speakers' race it'll be in the related language.
2. Make "random talk" by NPCs in the language (eg. things the guards say "The Area is now safe")
3. Create new missions from a "linguist": he or she could give missions like "please translate this old document I've found" where you have to go to multiple persons to get the translations for multiple parts of the document.


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