Geo-Location for friendslist

It's a nice ideas and maybe there are two different ways to "fix" the privacyc concerns (which I do share, btw).

1) If we stick to the "I can see the location of friends" idea, then we could restrict it to those friends who have both befriended each other. However this would have to be implemented with some thought because potentially it could cause more traffic to and from the server everytime a player goes online, and every time a friend of that player goes online. Somehow I doubt that the Ryzom devs at this time would alter the network protocol. But what do I know.

2) Alternatively, the already implemented team functionality could be extended to leagues. Nothing prevents you from inviting your friends into a league as soon as you go online. /leagueinvite is the command, iirc. In teams you can already see where everyone is located. So this could be extended to leagues as well. I'd vote for a different color, though. We could keep red stick figures for team members and adopt orange for other league members.
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