
[Will not be used] Improvements for NH services

1. Adjusting product consumption.
Unfortunately, modification of product requirements is not a trivial task, and modifying them on gradual and adaptive basis would take even more time. This time would have to be taken from other projects that we feel offer more to the players.

2. Changing cooldown periods, splitting and improving completeness and status information
The cooldown period is already less than 24 hours. Improving the reports on completeness and status information is of low priority, in part due to our feeling that some things are better discovered by, rather than spelled out to the players.

3. Multiple product delivery option
There are many aspects and subtleties to the ARCC system. In this case, allowing deposits of multiple materials would allow players to exploit the New Horizons feature due to the method used to implement delivery of products. The cause is a bug (or feature) of the system which cannot be altered without substantial programming effort.

If these suggestions were easy to implement, they might be considered. However, since they are not, we feel that there are other projects (that we are working on) that will yield more benefit for the players. Thank you for  your thoughtful commentary.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
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