
A word or two (okay maybe a little) on outposts

To start with Bittty I should mention a Kami guild has attacked another Kami guild however this was eventually put down as a jest for fun. There are two scenarios possible to even up the sides: Kami alliance breaks down or Karavan alliance grows stronger. I don't see a reason I should leave an alliance I have worked hard to build.

Arturia you can have different players within a guild who have different goals. A guild doesn't have to level launcher all together- you can have 1 or 2 players who level it because they want to. As for making outposts a more enjoyable environment we are trying to do that. As a result the recent outposts involved most kami, not all of them. They were a lot more enjoyable. As for a certain player gassing mektoubs untagged and consistently breaking the CoC whilst being told he was and laughing back at us, this somewhat spoilt the battle for me. Except verbal abuse after such a blatant disregard for the rules. Doesn't make the verbal abuse correct of course and I understand your point.

Binarabi as you know very well it was the manner in which you attacked that provoked the response. Please avoid dragging that into this conversation.
What I want people to realise is that firstly I disagree with Virg's opening statement. Its more than a lack of OP battles making people stop playing.
Disagree all you want. I don't agree with it either. This post was made primarily to address those people, of which there are many.
There are a lot of people who like me are "number 3's"...But what I have to "fight back" against is something I personally will not be able to compete with.
One person themselves will not be able to personally shift a faction into change. You have been doing a great job and certainly at the last OP war I attended the Karavan were the most organized I have seen in years. Alas we ran out of ammo, the guards grew in force, and then we wiped. The point in me making this post was to see if there were anymore number 3s who were willing to put in the effort. Yes you yourself personally would have trouble changing the outcome, but a team of people just like you would have a substantial impact. I firmly believe for example 15 launchers on the Karavan side would win several OPs before Kami got their act together and then its game on.
Anyways, no one wants anything handed to them on a silver plate. But neither do we want it rubbed in our faces like some of your guild members love to do, whether playfully or not you underestimate its impact.
Well I was not there for that however people will usually make such comments in the face of being insulted. In terms of insults there is currently one Karavan guild that is not shy of going above and beyond the CoC.
Lastly, when you stipulate that, " It seems these days everyone is attributing the declining player-base to the lack of OP wars," then you clearly have not explored the more important underlying issues such as the one I outline above.
I made a post in what I feel to be the main points of concern. I can't cover all topics and you are quite welcome to bring in what you think is the main reason. I don't think this is an issue at all. The fact that we have apparently set the bar too high is just wrong. You make it seem like we should have attempted to take the outposts halfheartedly. Karavan and Kami have always gone back and forth. As I said before I believe the Karavan can easily take back the outposts. You just need others like yourself who are willing to put some effort in. If the fact that we have set the bar because now Karavan actually have to put some effort in to win outposts.. well..
As a last word. It appear now a days that a faction's success in this game is determined by the amount of alts they can run.
Ah well done the constant undermining of alts being the reason we win. As I have already told you there were alt users on both sides. Yorran and Yakapo are actually very alike in that matter and their efficiency with alts can't be matched. Coming in a close second for me would be the Crests. 2 of the biggest alt users on the Karavan faction side.. Speaking personally for my guild, after Yakapo, people were only using 1 alt or none. Furthermore using alts are a valid tactic in this game so to why you would bring something up where Karavan use alts more (in my opinion) and is a valid game tactic, I have no idea.



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