Leaving Silan too early

I probably stayed on Silan a bit too long this time around.

The main reason was a bad memory from when I started with Ryzom several years back. I left too soon then and basically died every time I left Pyr. Played for about a week and quit.

Fast forward to now: Stayed on Silan until I was sure I could manage to at least move around the Pyr area without it constantly being lethal.

Some observations:
* The difference between Silan and the mainland was still very present.
* The mainland is way more lethal than Silan; it can be quite a shock to the uninitiated;
* Gingos use steroids; they are friggin dangerous;
* The area around Pyr is not friendly to a new player.

I can't judge the other starting areas, I've only played Fyros until now.

TLDR: I can imagine people giving new players the advice to stay in Silan until a higher level. If you prefer a solo playstyle, level 50 is not excessive. Join a guild and things are very different.


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