It is a very interesting suggestion for sure. For me personally I don't have a problem with the way it is now. My guild does not own an OP and it really doesn't matter if I do or not. I like the fact that in this game you have to somewhat "work" for what you achieve and not given just cuz u complain. Now you are going to say having greater numbers is not working at all. Well how many guilds/faction/alliances have you seen split up or just quit game and how many strong guilds hold together. I think that is work enough in itself that if you happen to be strong you deserve to hold on to what your guild/alliance earned until someone works hard enough to surpass you.
I am not attacking your idea, it is an interesting suggestion but one that I personally can not agree with. Any way you try to limit it, people still have alliances and friendships so I just don't think this would change a thing. Maybe you could try making it one OP per guild max but that even goes against what I believe in as well.
I am not attacking your idea, it is an interesting suggestion but one that I personally can not agree with. Any way you try to limit it, people still have alliances and friendships so I just don't think this would change a thing. Maybe you could try making it one OP per guild max but that even goes against what I believe in as well.