Leaving Silan too early

Players get warned for at least 2-3 times, that they cannot go back and if they are really sure to leave.
When they get lost in the mainland, they could try to have a look into the ingame help document or creating a new my opinion :)

When players are just "rushing" through the tutorial island, it is their own fault and they should not wonder, when they become to a <?,?> face :P

- On first login you get a window that this is the tutorial island, etc...
- You have to go to Chiang to take the leave mission
- Do you really want to leave? You cannot go back
- Have a talk with the 4 trainers in the camp
- go to Chiang, where he tells you again you cannot go back (as far as I remember right here)
- Go to Kami/Karavan master to leave
- When you leave, you cannot go back

Isn't that enough? xD


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