Kitin pets for traveling


I was talking with another homin, and she was commenting on how packers are more a burden than a help because how easy they die and the slow they are. I though something that would be more fun that having fellow homins traveling on foot protecting the convoy of packers: ridding kitins!

Yes, kitins as pets for people to ride them and make the job of bodyguard for long and dangerous travels. When you ride them, you should have the action to command them to attack any mob that wish to depredate the packer convoy when you ride the kitin pet.

How much life and strength should have this kitin pet? Well, I think that to make it attractive to any player in the game, this kitin should have +50% more points based on the points of life and the most powerful melee action with the most powerful weapon the player have in his bag to equip, among other factors that I don't know but shouldn't be left out because they are important on combat.

I suggest this based on the necessity of making more attractive traveling with packers (I'm not that advanced on the game, but, for what they are useful besides storing items?) and adding cool stuff to the game, and also because other games have this feature (but is a blurry memory that I have if it was on WoW and if it was how players use their pets or whatever name they use for them in the not-so-good game).

Pax et bonum.


«But my belief that miracles have happened in human history is not a mystical belief at all; I believe in them upon human evidences as I do in the discovery of America. Upon this point there is a simple logical fact that only requires to be stated and cleared up. Somehow or other an extraordinary idea has arisen that the disbelievers in miracles consider them coldly and fairly, while believers in miracles accept them only in connection with some dogma. The fact is quite the other way. The believers in miracles accept them (rightly or wrongly) because they have evidence for them. The disbelievers in miracles deny them (rightly or wrongly) because they have a doctrine against them. ...» ~G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy cont.
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