Allow the resale of used / worn items

Bina, Osquallo --

Please stick to the actual topic of the thread :)

The idea was precisely to allow used items to go back on the market, not to help refugees by seeking them out. Setting up events is far more time-consuming than simply enabling new mechanics on existing npcs.

For the record, there were previous attempts, like Feylin's refugee days, or like the Pyr kami market in Cheapside; neither was particularly successful, if I remember correctly. To my mind, these 'solutions' are inferior, in that they depend on player presence. NPC shops are there 24/7, you can't beat that in any way.

Nuno --

That would indeed be an interesting implementation, but only if it comes officially from the gave devs. A player-made app could not cut it.

(hum, web interface could mean checkboxes and string filters... allowing to select all jewels after you grind.. wet dreams)

Irfidel --

The exploitation of merchants was noted to me in private too. Person suggested (and I agree) you can cap the resale price for used items, making it risky to store your shiny stuff, because it might actually get sold *g*. Your idea with item life going down can work too, and actually the max percentage cap can go down too with each resale (merchant is tired of your efforts).

I'm not too worried about adding additional filters. Players must inspect each item individually already - to see if its properties are desirable; they will just have to check one more property, that's all. What's better, to buy an unused axe with bad damage and speed, or to buy a used axe with full damage and speed? If you insist, another tab in the resale window can do the trick, split into Resale (new) and Resale (used).

Thank you all for your thoughts :)


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