Mezix the Enchanted

As for your comment about Mezix taking up a permenant home Daoemi, I have put forward a possible idea below:
(I'm sure it has some flaws and needs fine-tuning. The point is I don't think a back-story would be too difficult to come up with for Mezix being attackable every so often.)

Recently we routed Mezix out of Dragon's Gullet Impasse. We killed large numbers of her gingos and her marauder troops. Every Atysian month (~1.5 RL days) Mezix could attempt to build up a large force of gingos in the desert which would give homins a chance to attack her. This would not be her taking up a permanent residence per say, more just a temporary residence to rebuild the stock of gingos we killed. (Perhaps her unique teleportation abilities can't handle moving large numbers of gingos from the old to new lands?)

This would still mean Mezix would be available to use in Akilla's plans but would also give us a chance to attack and kill her.



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