Allow the resale of used / worn items

I believe the current status qvo is detrimental to the beginners in the long run. Here's the gist : I'm a crafter, I love making good stuff.

However, I hate my work to be wasted. You make q60 amps, the player will outgrow them in 2 days (assuming worst case scenario, solo training). You make a nice heavy armor? It's not nice in 3 days.

I tried three times to give away a light armor set that was slightly worn, by asking Universe. Some players don't read Universe, some don't want freebies, some are too shy to speak up. The options to trade, once an item has been slightly worn, are VASTLY inferior.

I understand the reasoning -- it's supposed to keep crafters in business. This makes no sense as long as there are NPC missions that pay much better than any individual human could. Crafters work mostly pro bono, because we want to, not because of an economic incentive. So at least be consistent and allow items to be resold at any point in their life, thus giving crafters reason to craft low q items.


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