More pvp?

It was a different situation when those players left the game: a merge had just happened and all OPs were on stake, the faction balance had not settled yet.

Its not easy/nice for some to be attending battles every 2 days with no rest in between, that is what burnt out most, including me.

Lowering the cost for a declare is not the solution imho, as i personally wouldn't want a low level guild declaring constantly on my q250 OP whenever they have raised the dappers for it, the way i see it, it would only increase guilds 'harassing' one another by constantly declaring to no avail, and again, endless battles can burn out players.

As Bittty mentioned in another post, and i completely agree with him on this, something that would trigger more OP wars could be more balance between the factions, because if you have a better chance to win at something you will likely risk it: e.g i wont craft an item with 5% success rate but at 50% i might consider taking the chance. How to make the factions more balanced though? RP? Changing guilds? I don't know, personally i don't like people who change factions as to me they don't have loyalty towards those who helped them become what they are now; I'm not much of a strict roleplayer either.

...Another thing to consider for increasing the frequency of OPs is the actual cooldown period on them, i don't remember what it is but when an OP is declared on, it is blocked for a certain period of time..

Anyways, just my thoughts.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 08:30:44 UTC

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