
Arispotle Syndrome

reading bittty's and and gilgamesh posts this is just how I think about this game, yes i'm a strange ari product and they are both ari products aswell.
Pls do check these forums and old ones I've been pushing mara for a long time; Did i make it happen? Probably not but have had ppl saying and blaming me on old server I was; I like to think I was a cog in the machine; Do I think diferently about mara and don't see em as a 100% pvp faction? Yes but maybe because I read the whole bible a couple of times. But I'm not gonna say how the faction has to grow that's up to the majority.
Talking about majority seems the majority likes the old laid back gaming style. Do they say you playing game wrong in offencive forum posts? NO they don't. Do they make posts asking to remove the pvp? NO they don't.

My question is why do ppl keep telling us we rp the wrong way? there is no wrong way of rp and everyone has his own idea of what rp in a sandbox is.

Do your own PVP think kill em when you get a chance recruit Virg and guild over and show karami how you think it's meant to be played. Yes virg easy for you to talk when you have over 50% of server helping you when you are attacked. Join those mara and show server how real rp is instead of hiding behind the biggest dominant faction ingame or do an op war GvG. Atleast Xodus tries while Asylum likes to talk big but when it comes to they hide and suck up to the kami and rest.
Time to stand up and show karami you call em how it's done since you like using that therm. Post on forums it's a GvG op war and ppl won't show up.


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