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Bitttymacod (atys)
They don't give the rewards because there is a byte in your character file that says you already did the rite. You are not allowed double-dipping. My fix would be simply to have someone with authority to look into the storage of our toons fix the results, not make us go through the rite again.

I agree with you, in this case. In fact the rites are linked to stanzas, so they should have been treated similar to the skills, and never erased from toons.
Anyway after the merge, i accepted the idea to redo the rites, even if a bit annoyed, but the actual problem is that, after more than one year since the merge, the devs have not done anything.
They affect your characteristics and, in a pvp game, they must work for everyone.
Don't misunderstand me: i stopped pvp much before the merge and i'm no more interested in it.

But i'm surprised that people here just don't care to ask the devs to get a really needed fix.


Legion of Atys
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Last visit Tuesday, 28 January 19:25:42 UTC

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