I have not started to complain, bicker, and whine, yet. I guess I could outtype those who did, and with possibly better reasons.
Well, you did now. Not that we are not aware that you can easily outtype everybody, including Shakespeare. You definitely outtyped all other Ranger aspirants taking part in this discussion counted together, and opposed them as well.
I have no idea where you found the antagonism to the Rangers that early on. As far as I can see it started the moment Potskin made his announcement. The approval of the Karan was obviously made up on the spot without a single thought of the impact on Matis roleplay and the Chamber of Nobles. The decision - also obviously - was not discussed or even corresponded to the EMs playing the Karan's counsellours. It only became known to the Karan's Herold the evening after your and your character's display of famed Daomei diplomacy skills and the humilation of the Matis Nobles. There you did indeed everything to make the Matis embrace the Rangers, "supposed to be cunning and sensitive to the needs of the Nations". Chapeau!
After that, I stepped back from the Chambers and dropped out of the roleplay. I guessed that the local assemblies would be informed after that of the harmful "secret approval". From what I know, they weren't - not even those in Avalae - until the meeting with the Karan. However, it is likely that from the moment of my demission on you "invested more time and effort into services for the Kingdom than (I) invested in Matis roleplay during the same period", for I did do no roleplay at all, but only logged in from time to time to do OOC chatting with one or two friends. Glad that Djamse and Erminantius thanked you for that. I can only thank you for your truly skilled efforts towards escalation.
(...) some might know (or not) that the Rangers' transportation system is not by teleportation rather than some secret passages that enable their members to travel faster, or so I heard. I would understand why the Matis and Zorai would be less than happy if we used termites on their lands to create such "secret" passages...
If this is the case, it indeed does nothing to make the situation better - especially in the light that the Rangers once helped the Trytonists travelling into the deep roots, which are forbidden.
Salazar CaradiniFilira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis