should we continue with Megacorp?

Hi Djaimse

While this is off topic I still want to tell you what is already happening in the guild I'm in atm. I used google translate and think I got most out of what you where saying.

Yes the guild spying is creepy to say the least already have had occurences when somebody in guild finds a boss and says I found big boss send me tell for invite and name since we don't know who is watching. 
Or when I was talking about when to ask Lacuna for her hand in guildchat to see 30sec later she was reading it out of game. I guess now it's never gonna happen.

A place where you can see who in guild is logged on would be great, also if you kick somebody from your guild and they use autologin (on automaticly on that website it seems wich is a big security risk) on the website they will still be able to read and chat in that guild after being kicked until they actually press the logout button on that website themself.


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