should we continue with Megacorp?


< above describes how I feel with this game and the sad state of it is. So called roleplay debating zorai notice board for over 1 year and so on .... We all play diferently and we all roleplay differenty, I loved the taliary debates about the rules of the mister atys on aristople myself that took les then 2 meetings. What tamarea did on an obscure hidden away forum post has no meaning to me at all and she has not answered my questions on CeB either wich just proves the sad state this game is in; why ignore some basic questions.
We haven't gotten anypatch notes for the last patch/event. Even when they add or change things ingame we don't get patch notes they added a new support button in webIG, changed bulk on pyr beer barrels and so on... Why not tell us?

I would love a q&a with the ppl running the event team atm and see what they think since I suspect a small minority is running them or pointing them into a direction back to the kittin and away from anything new. Making it impossible for alot of homins to voice their opinions while others can keep going on running their ideas and their event team for themselfs.

I've had CSR tell me "run your own event team" but you can only do this up to some point. The english zorai gov had such a great idea about a market where EVERY homin could attent to and buy suplies from being it fireworks, op mats from others or just q50 armors and the whole range inbetween. In the end they got a reply to run it trought the impossible burocracy of the oter 2 language goverements (actually telling  them to watch out for certain homins in those gouverment that would teh idea and never let it pass) and telling them this isn't really zorai but more something trykers should do (why? is my question isn't a zorai allowed to have it's own mind and ideas and that was the same question the english zorai gov has even if it's only ran by 2 ppl atm doesn't mean alot of ppl know and love their idea and every homin is allowed to join their gouverment and voice their opinions; maybe event team should ask themself why its only ran by 2 ppl atm and not more)
WAKE UP EVENT TEAM!!!!  there is no zorai or tryker or momo or whatever unknown npc hiding in the icon whorsipers tribe to send an izam to, you advertise on your website ppl can choose their own destiny and influence the game but at hurdle number one (mara entering a town without guard attacking em) you tell them to STOP. Instead of thinking around the problem. In my opinion a gouverment should be allowed to run their town as they see fit or atleast an event team should come with a solution maybe a market on an old abandonned outpost 50meters from town.
There are countless of these kinds of problems I hear every day. Do I wanna run the event team NO; but I didn't choose to run it did I? Instead all stuff is put into killing some kittin with termites (atleast have the decentcy to invent an atys aproprieate name instead of termites since if you read the bible .... (i rather don't get banned for spoilers here))

ps. Anyone who wants to get the english bible revision 9 (it's not perfect I know) can send me an Izam ingame and I'll gladly send it to them since it seems all the 'hardcore' roleplayers in this game have it and love to quote a spoiler or 2 from it now and then. Why should us normal folk not be allowed to know about the intersting tribes in it anyway (half the tribes they RP around i can only find in the bible and not on anyway), pls don't read the 50 pages of tribes but just the intresting first pages and then from page 20 and so on. If you ban me then pls scan all pc's of the so called hardcore rp players since they all love to admit to own it aswell.
< Do look out since even reading the first sentence of that doc might change how you see or think about ryzom forever, don't not say I didn't warn you.

POWER TO THE PPL IS ALL WHAT RYZOM.COM SAYS we influence the game not a minority that want's to kill the game for 95% pf ppl playing.

Suboxide out now...


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