should we continue with Megacorp?

Jezabel (atys)
Gilgameesh (atys)
Incorrect, imho. Once you syncronize with the artifact, you receive a message that you, the homin, can log into the megacorp site, and gives you the address.
So, in game homins just got something that gave them clues about "reality". I think this was not the real intention of the event team, but this is the result.
Gilgameesh sync'ed and the artifact gave him a link to the megacorp site, so Gilgameesh learned how to use "reality" to go there and log into the site, thank's to the counterpart of him.

The first part of your sentence is true, not the second.
You've found an artifact and feed it with the help of a big machine. Once synchronized, the artifact gave you a bunch of letters with "" inside.

And that's all for the roleplay homin part. Nothing else. What means the word 'login' for a homin ? Nothing. What is a website for a homin ? Nothing. The strange artifact give you a strange sentence and you have questions but no response for now.

The other part of the event (the website) is for the real player, not for the homin. It's a mix of RP and HRP event. This event break the fourth wall

Your homin can't acces the website because your are on atys and you doesn't have a computer. The artifact doesn't have a keyboard, just one button. Nowhere it is written that the artifact can display the website and let you enter a login/password (that your homin doesn't know). And the website is written in a language that the homin certainely doesn't know.

I think that the RP part of this event is just the first stone of a long RP path to the truth. The homin will have other RP events where he will discover some parts of what the player can read actually on

Did you actually look close to the machine it has a display on it (opening it in gimp might help you see it)
secondly we got 3 comunity's here that still aren't merged into one wich i think is impossible and over 50 diferent idea's of what roleplay is so don't tell ppl what you think roleplay is and tell them what they do is wrong pls since we all roleplay differently. If you really want a debate of what roleplay is search these forums or make a new post and get your trolling on.


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