should we continue with Megacorp?

I agree with Jezabel on all points.
Tamarea answered to our question concerning our homins and what they know atm, it is a good thing and now we have to wait till saturday to get more information from event team.

I have a few questions for all those want to include the whole thing in roleplay :

1) Maybe you can consider that there is a screen on the artifact but can you tell me how Gilgameesh (or any other homin) got the personal logs (ID + password of an account) of his player please ?

2) How can you explain all the discussions you had on UNI (or other chans) since the event knowing that all channels except "arounds(*)" are considered as OOC ?

Thanks in advance for your answers :)

(*) idk what is its name in EN, we call it "alentours" in FR
#Edit : sorry i edit my first phrase, the post was from Jezabel, not Icus.


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
Homins, unissons-nous et agissons dès maintenant afin de préparer notre futur sur la Belle Atys!
Libres et fiers, en quête de notre histoire commune et de nos racines, nous retrouverons et protégerons ce monde qui nous a tant fait vibrer!
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