should we continue with Megacorp?

i can only reply with a +1 i guess to gilgameesh but this +1 should count as a +2 a +3 a +4 a+5 a+9999999...99999

really ryzom says it's an adapting world on it's front page there are alot of gilgameshes around who resubbed or used a f2p alt atm because of the dissapointments they had in the past.

Can you really ignore ppl like gilgamesh is my question? They are some of the most repsected ppl in this game roleplay and non roleplay at the same time. Ryzom says on it' website to be proud of homins being able to write their own content and history.
So let homins embrace this new histroy we where given and bring back some old homins that where respected into the community and let them bring in some of their frieds aswell they met in other newer games.


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