should we continue with Megacorp?

Naema (atys)
Roleplay wise, all we know is some big chunk of metal crashed from the sky and we got these Tricorder thingies and were able to boost and charge them up then scan for frequencys, (If we even know what frequencys are!)

So, yes, there is a little room for role play here, but we know nothing about the Web site or megacorp yet or even this new chat system,correct? Since there is no computers on Atys we cannot log on to it. In real life we all know about it, but not on Atys yet. However, something here has happened on Atys, so they have to develop it more i think. There is apparently other intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. If we can even deduce that from this crash.

Incorrect, imho. Once you syncronize with the artifact, you receive a message that you, the homin, can log into the megacorp site, and gives you the address.

So, in game homins just got something that gave them clues about "reality". I think this was not the real intention of the event team, but this is the result.

Gilgameesh sync'ed and the artifact gave him a link to the megacorp site, so Gilgameesh learned how to use "reality" to go there and log into the site, thank's to the counterpart of him.

So, now Gilgameesh know that a counterpart of himself exists somewhere and that without that counterpart, he could not exists at all in Atys.

Event team now, cannot close the event and just forget it, leaving a chat system somewhere, a window that open a rift between Atys and another reality, where our counterparts live.

If they do that I will start rolling on floor heavily laughing.

I think the event team was a bit superficial in doing this event, not considering all the conseguences, at least for people that still consider MMORPG exactly what they should be: RPG games.

Of course you can just forget everything and continue as usual, but, really, given I have read now the notice board, this is an incredibly poor event design.

They can fix it, of course: go further in the story ad find something logical that can add a real meaning to the event.

Anyway, they got something right: the mail sent to me was very intriguing at the point I have resubbed just to see (and participate to) the event. Unfortunately for me there is no reason to continue subbing. I really don't wanna redo everything already done since 2004, just to get some stuff already got in the past.
Since the merge, Atys is dead for me (this is only my personal feeling, nothing against the only game i always deeply loved, despite all the mistakes done in the years).

Unless the devs/event team really start doing interesting events (real events, that involve everyone) and something that moves this stagnant world a bit forward.

In this case I could (but i'm sure a lot would) really return full time into this crazy plant.


Legion of Atys
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