should we continue with Megacorp?

Yes gilga and sherk this thing happend on atys within lore and it opens questions to all of us I like your ideas about it and I really think this should be continued.

True bitty I guess my poll might sound a bit manupilative I guess can't change it anymore but after all this years I've been playing it's been same old same old the whole time some kittin to kill then to goo mobs and so on so when you see something new happening on atys then you are really happy. I know some ppl that signed up again for this new episode of the game that after seeing the notice board posted by tamarea are already talking about chanceling their account again since it looks like we gonna go back to same old ignoring what happend.

Yes I like bina's idea aswell if you are scared of it then do like you are scared of it and start a movement against it


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