should we continue with Megacorp?

As I (and Sherk) see it, a piece of alien technology -Karavan maybe?- fell on Atys. This proves that there is a form of intelligent life outside of Atys because it is crafted from a material that doesn't come from here... A lot of knowledge got lost during the First Great Swarming. Amongst it, the origins of hominity.

What if, because they couldn't terraform Atys, due to its organic nature, humans/karavan tried to mix their DNA with the primitives that already lived on Atys in order to create a species that would be able to survive (read breathe) on it without needing to wear a space suit all the time ? What if the Karavan got stranded here while trying to colonize exoplanets and we are the result of their experiments ? We weren't here from the very beginning, but we WERE born on Atys. That would explain the 4 races of hominity : result of a mix between human traits and the Frahars, Cutes, Gibbais and the now extinct Momos. It would explain a lot...


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles
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