should we continue with Megacorp?

I've not read the notice board but, if the event team said that megacorp is to be considered ooc, i think this is very crazy.

It was the tryker Gilgameesh that logged into Megacorp site, so how we can treat it as a ooc stuff?
Also we (the homins) were able to login into the site, after a research involving an artifact in Atys, not in real life.

I never understand people that suppose RP is just speaking some strange language in some chat window and nothing more. The site can be OOC, but the content of the site is pure IC and then it's RP.

If the event team wanted to introduce a new chat system outside the client and nothing more, then this idea (of an artifact and a human organization stolen from an old ryzom document, also stolen long time ago) is absolutely non-sense. So, I hope there is more than a chat system i don't see the reason to do.

What i dislike is the attitude of kamists that suppose to stay RP refusing an event because "the artifact sounds karavan".... rofl, are you so afraid to lose your power?

You should welcome any event as long as it keeps stuff going on Atys.

Binarabi got the rp the right way, just telling to start an anti-c60 movement, but accepting the event as it is, and everyone should ask for it to continue with some sense otherwise, as said, it's a very pure piece of non-sense.


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