should we continue with Megacorp?

I consider the alternatives an insult of a sane mind and refuse to vote.

The event has been made by the event team. We can hardly vote how others do their volunteer job. We should comment in Events(OOC) when we feel event managers do not do a good job.

It is ridiculous only have the possibility to share Suboxide's opinion dictating the event team how to go on or "don't like chance and rather have the same old". "Other" would mean agreement to such undemocratic and manipulative methods.

I do not know how the event will go on. As a devout Kami follower I was somewhat relieved by Tamarea's announcement stating that there is no ingame necessity to fiddle with "C60" or "Megacorp". That sounds all pretty much Karavan and I do not like it. As a player I embrace the new offgame toy though I think it is not yet perfect to say the least (hint: https would be an idea).

In fact, as long as Suboxide does not design (and debug) the events I fail to see much of a point to waste my vote.

Kami'ata , Bingfa
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