should we continue with Megacorp?

Already started responding to this under Role play forum

Binarabi (atys)
2577 JY, AC 3, Folially (spring), 15, Tria 06:02

... Woha Mik'ito
I am alerting homins everywhere to the dangers of this C60 that I believe many are submitting to the alien object. Just yesterday Rollocks and I felt the wrath of the Evil Forces that underlie Megacorp.

I was stood near the crashed object assisting a guildie* with the mission when suddenly a white explosion forced me off Atyss and into the void of non-existence.

This also happened to Rollocks and I am convinced at this time that it is a Warning, possibly from Ma'Duk for using forbidden technology or from the evil force itself of Megacorp, as both Rollocks and I have been vocal in our warnings regarding both C60 and Megacorp

A guildie has very kindly offered to ask her friends to guard me over the coming days, whilst there is still time to campaign and beg homins not to submit C60 to Megacorp, after that it will be too late and then we must surrender to our fate, possibly as slaves to Megacorp.

I can only beg fellow homins, particularly the Kami who particularly aspire to "stand vigil over the plant kingdom and ensure that no one may destabilize the fragile equilibrium of the planet [we] cherish" to cease feeding this monstrosity

Proud Guild Leader of the most eclectic colllection of homins on Atyss, Guardians of Shadows, a guild who may come to live and campaign in the shadows and fight against whatever this Evil Force brings

*Guildies are free to choose their own path in this ... and like all homins many are filled with curiosity as to where this will lead, I am also begging them not to submit C60 which I am convinced will put us all in terrible danger

From the 4th doc on I think it can be rp'd and tbh would find it somewhat hard to ignore the "truth" and continue on old ways, should not have opened Pandora's box in the first place ...


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
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