should we continue with Megacorp?

Event team announced an OFFICIAL event (yes official was in title) with alot of fanfare even sending us all a real mail about it, hinting at a new episode ingame.
Then they hinted at megacorp and ryzoms history as written in the bible. Wich is intresting to say the least. Today all of a sudden they posted on some hidden notice board that all what is in that 'new episode' should be forgoten and not named ingame. We should continue with atys as we know it boring old unconhesive (3history's + megacorp) and milked to death. Some kittin attacks some evil mara, the great and all mighty rangers and so on ...

I would love if they embrace this new direction where they let homins taste megacorp and our true history they gave us a taste for in this event. It could bring a new wind to this game bring in elias tryton, jena, megacorp, and the rest ... (instead of 5h long meetings about a notice board in zora for over 1year and it's still not there)

Do something new instead of beating the death mektoub over and over

ps. this could even be used to explain the 3 different histories we got (want my ideas on it event team contact me since i don't want to put bannable spoilers into forums)

> I'm actually thinking of making a town crier char talking about ruins in pr and giving ppl an extra nible of the bible, YOU the event team let megacorp in homins have questions if you don't answer others will take that task upto them


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