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Virg (atys)
Daomei if you just simply logged on what was all the sorting through the old ryzom server that you mentioned to do with? I checked many times to see if megacorp was open but it wasn't. It would seem highly unusual that the devs would just open megacorp to all before the event as it would in fact destroy the purpose of the event.

Going on my personal experience of trying to login to no avail- and on others the only difference would be what you did with the OVH SAS. I know absolutely nothing about computer technicalities so hopefully you can clear up what you were actually doing on there.

Promised myself not to fall into your elaborated trolling nest, but here I am..

You always make assumptions, bad ones too.. really bad ones, crappy ones, terrible ones etc.

Let me clear it for you, dear "computer illiterate":

whois domain: ---------> get dns ip (mapping from dns to ip)
whois ip: xx.xx.xx.xx and the final result:

Organization OVH SAS
ISP OVH Systems


It does sound like mega haxoring... but it's really not... and you should really let CSRs deal with this... really... seriously, honestly, truly etc. (ie. open a ticket and explain to support the issue you have)

Your dearest,



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Last visit Friday, 20 September 08:25:47 UTC

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