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Virg ---
The scripts and files that he set up to do the termite mounds first in Almati, and then in the Lakes and the Desert and in Hidden Source were buggy and dependent upon a long cycle time. They were not "mini games" the way that harvesting is, debugged and available in multiple instances that are independent and capable of being played by multiple players all at once. There were only a few instances of the the termite mounds and they were as much a test of the ARCC and WebIG interfaces as they were learning for the Rangers.
How many times to I have to say that it simply was not possible for there to be open access to the termite mounds! They weren't even beta scripts .. they were alpha 0.9 (to use a metaphor, not a technical description). They were buggy and needed constant tweaking from the event team side even with the small population of "operators".

The Ranger aspirant role has been open for any to play it. However, there were requirements, and they were set up early on:
Ranger aspirants identified themselves and proved their commitment by doing things (which included harvest missions and combat missions) and by adjusting their fame and giving up adherence to Nation and Faction.
The requirements were clearly set forth in the reports of the early meetings and reiterated when the exploration of the Dark Mines in Kitin Lair was temporarily opened up. As for "talk roleplay", I know of plenty of Ranger aspirants who have never attended a meeting, but who have undertaken to act, for instance in the killing of white kitins during the infestations, patrols of danger areas, etc. They didn't get to play with the termites either.

This is getting slightly off topic into what makes a ranger however I will raise a few points to you:
So far how well have the rangers done in fighting off the kitin threat with rotoa trees? Have they made things worse? Do you intend to seal the kitins off? Do you not foresee another great swarming eventually? What about the kitins that aren't on the other side of the "barrier" when you block the other kitins out? Will these need killing?

The planting of Rotoa had NOTHING to do with the Rangers except as a reaction of the Matis against the use of termites. Some of us have been keeping an eye on the results, but the success or failure of the rotoa plantings (and it is not clear yet whether they will eventually succeed or fail) rests in the hands of the Matis researchers, especially Cuiccio Pirella. Whether the planting "made things worse" has yet to be determined.

As for your other questions -- The white kitins on the surface in Forest and Jungle will need killing, no question about it, once the tunnels are sealed by the rotoa. I have already done some killing from time to time. The destruction of the tunnels and the Mounds in the Lakes and Desert by the Ranger operated manipulation of the termites seems to have been complete with no residual populations of white kitins on the surface once the Mounds were destroyed.

The danger of yet another Swarming is always present -- that is one of the reasons why we have the Observation Camps and why they need to be supplied. They are our early warning system. We do not know enough yet to determine exactly what causes the Swarms. Until we do, and until we know far more about kitins it will not be possible to "remove every kitin from our lands". We do not even know enough to know if that is desirable.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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