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Salazar (atys)
Oh my, that bloody termite project is running for at least a year now, and the RP forum is plastered with contributions by various players regarding it one way or the other, namely Bittty, Daomei, Feylin, and Zhoi. The Trykers and Fyros were involved, giving their blessing, while the Zorai and Matis opposed the project. It was dragged through countless meetings of four player parliaments and every Ranger meeting since the (as it feels) beginning of time. True, those who neither attend any meeting and keep away from forum postings probably have never ever heard of it.
Please read the fact I am talking about the begging in the part you are replying to. Therefore for you to reply with an account of what is currently happening is irrelevant.
That is most likely true. Yet you see enough events where people complain afterwards that they didn't know about it.
When something is completely unannounced then people can complain. When an event is put into the calender then people don't really have an excuse. The ranger events are hidden from public eye.
You did not say that you were told that by Daomei until now. As far as I'm concerned, I guess it uses all the technical aspects of a mini game. I never bothered to find out, but had a look at the termite mounds once or twice.
The issue here is I am speaking from experience. This is something I have looked into with a great deal of depth. You are just voicing opinions as facts which are unfounded. If you would like to make a point at least make sure you actually know what you are talking about before attempting to do so.

Once again you associate rangers with RP. You make a huge mistake in thinking that a prerequisite of the ranger faction is that you have to RP. You make such bold claims- please tell me where you are getting your information from?
I do associate aspects of the Rangers with RP, indeed - as I do aspects of the fractions, or of the nations, as strictly RP.
You did not answer my question which is were does it say rangers have a requirement to RP? I am trying to put forward a serious discussion here. You are talking here-say on things you might "believe" to be true. Please come back after having done some actual looking into the issue at hand. You are wasting my time trying to flaunt your beliefs as factual.
The ryzom bible.
Now i understand what you are referring to. A plan of the lore to come was leaked to the ryzom community several years ago.

Daomei if you just simply logged on what was all the sorting through the old ryzom server that you mentioned to do with? I checked many times to see if megacorp was open but it wasn't. It would seem highly unusual that the devs would just open megacorp to all before the event as it would in fact destroy the purpose of the event.

Going on my personal experience of trying to login to no avail- and on others the only difference would be what you did with the OVH SAS. I know absolutely nothing about computer technicalities so hopefully you can clear up what you were actually doing on there.



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