Ryzom favorites club

Mj: Thanks for the info. It seems that me and a few others stepped in a small and obviously unintentional slot of accessibility of the site. But that was all.

Had I received a message "go hunting yubos", I would have shrugged and hunted my next few thousand .. ok not yubos, but similar, just great hornchers. I did not receive it. I went back hunting, though.

Edit: And just something else: this world is full of bugs. That is because the developers and event managers are hand-tailoring the development of the world all time, designing unique events shaping the history of the living planet. On this course errors occur, bugs and glitches, due to rapid prototyping and unterstaffing.

But that is also what makes this world unique.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 08:46:17 UTC

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