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Virg (atys)
At a rough guess dependant on my friends I would say about 60% of the player base didn't know it was even a thing until it was too late. As I have already stated before it was not announced or told to anyone outside the meetings to my knowledge. Your comment that people have to engage in RP is ludicrous. First and foremost I will repeat myself once again: At the time that the termite event was conceived there were many people out there who actively hunt and kill kitins. Many of these people were aspiring rangers but do not like the whole talking- roleplaying and as such didn't attend the meetings. These people were not given an opportunity. Only a select few who regularly attended meetings as far as I am aware.

Oh my, that bloody termite project is running for at least a year now, and the RP forum is plastered with contributions by various players regarding it one way or the other, namely Bittty, Daomei, Feylin, and Zhoi. The Trykers and Fyros were involved, giving their blessing, while the Zorai and Matis opposed the project. It was dragged through countless meetings of four player parliaments and every Ranger meeting since the (as it feels) beginning of time. True, those who neither attend any meeting and keep away from forum postings probably have never ever heard of it.

The more recent termite activity involved only 3 people at most. I would hazard a guess at around 90% of the server did not know what was going on. There are forum posts by the rangers and I respect that however many, such as myself, have already been alienated from previous events.

See above. I have no idea how many Rangers are actually involved in anything, having stepped out of every involvement with them quite some time ago. But from what I hear their meetings are far better attended than those of the nations. But no-one gets dragged to the hunt, so to say.

You do not see any fyros, tryker, zorai, matis etc events that are limited to just a few select people being able to activate them.

That is most likely true. Yet you see enough events where people complain afterwards that they didn't know about it.

Please look into the subject before making such claims. I was told by Daomei herself it was a mini game.

You did not say that you were told that by Daomei until now. As far as I'm concerned, I guess it uses all the technical aspects of a mini game. I never bothered to find out, but had a look at the termite mounds once or twice.

Once again you associate rangers with RP. You make a huge mistake in thinking that a prerequisite of the ranger faction is that you have to RP. You make such bold claims- please tell me where you are getting your information from?

I do associate aspects of the Rangers with RP, indeed - as I do aspects of the fractions, or of the nations, as strictly RP. Other aspects I regard as PvE. As far as I understand, only PvP ist strictly out of discussion with the Rangers. Call that a bold claim. I call it observation. ;)

From what I heard, MegaCorp was mentioned in the Ryzom "bible", so those players who have actually read it - and there seem to be plenty - have obviously researched for it.
I would be interested to know where it is mentioned. If you could post a link that would be great thanks.

This is the first reference I could find while quickly looking through the forums: I don't know if there were any references in the French forums, but on the German forums there is a quip by Zhoi, which in hindsight also could be understand as a reference to it.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
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Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
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