Ryzom favorites club

Mjollren (atys)
That's the norm, 90% of the server is usually not aware of what's going on.. People have been alienated from fyros akenak events (weeks spent discussing uniform colors), people were alienated from zorai meetings (hours upon hours of discussion only very knowledgeable players could follow), etc.
The mot recent fyros event had a huge turn out, just the same for all other races. However these rangers events only involve very few people.
As of now, there is literally no way for you to be part of the Ranger organization, or even a way to be a Ranger aspirant.. without Wilk Potskin naming you so. Have you asked the animator if you can join the Aspirant ranks simply by displaying a "kitin murderer" title, showing you've been helping with the kitin issue?

No quite simply for the alienation that has gone on in the rangers. I hoped this post would alert people to this and it would cause the rangers to open up to more than just RPers.
Arfur (atys)
I saw the teaser in the forums (did not know it was a teaser) and tried to log in last week. The only reason I didn't was because I was at work, and I thought it was a dodgy redirect website.

If I had logged in at that time I would have had a 'head start' like Daomei. At that time none of us knew what this web page was all about and I forgot about it until the 'Night of Stars'. Only then did I see that the web page was part of it all.
No you would have not had a head start. I tried like many other people to log in unsuccessfully. It would appear (correct me if im wrong Daomei) that Daomei found a way past the security or an area with no security. I can see why people would call you a hacker if this is the case. As in essence thats kind of what you did. Firstdo found an area with no security also- and he got banned for it.



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