Ryzom favorites club

Salazar (atys)
As was mentioned before, everybody was able to participate in the termite thing. You had to invest, of course - plenty of time and the will to get heavily involved into RP. For it is, indeed, a sandbox game, and RP is an important part of it.
At a rough guess dependant on my friends I would say about 60% of the player base didn't know it was even a thing until it was too late. As I have already stated before it was not announced or told to anyone outside the meetings to my knowledge. Your comment that people have to engage in RP is ludicrous. First and foremost I will repeat myself once again: At the time that the termite event was conceived there were many people out there who actively hunt and kill kitins. Many of these people were aspiring rangers but do not like the whole talking- roleplaying and as such didn't attend the meetings. These people were not given an opportunity. Only a select few who regularly attended meetings as far as I am aware.
If you want to get involved, you can be involved.
False. The more recent termite activity involved only 3 people at most. I would hazard a guess at around 90% of the server did not know what was going on. There are forum posts by the rangers and I respect that however many, such as myself, have already been alienated from previous events.
It's more or less easy to become a Karavaneer or a Kami or a Tryker, Fyros, Zorai or Matis, but everything "above" quest running needs more effort.
You do not see any fyros, tryker, zorai, matis etc events that are limited to just a few select people being able to activate them.
The Rangers - and, by Jove, I'm not one necessarily favouring them - put a lot of work and effort into the termite studies, which were, surprise, part of the Ranger education, not a "mini game" (as it seems the termite mounds were understand as such).
Please look into the subject before making such claims. I was told by Daomei herself it was a mini game.
Everybody, of course, was allowed to drop his/her loyalties and join the Rangers ... and get involved in RP.
Once again you associate rangers with RP. You make a huge mistake in thinking that a prerequisite of the ranger faction is that you have to RP. You make such bold claims- please tell me where you are getting your information from?
As for logging in at MegaCorp - probably everybody was able to do so? I did neither search for the site, nor tried to get on. Did you, or are you just banging a drum because it didn't cross your mind?
That comment is completely uncalled for. I am trying to make a topic here about something which I feel needs to be corrected- or at the very least explained to me why it is occurring. I did try and log in for your information and I am not just simply "banging a drum" as you so eloquently put it.
From what I heard, MegaCorp was mentioned in the Ryzom "bible", so those players who have actually read it - and there seem to be plenty - have obviously researched for it.
I would be interested to know where it is mentioned. If you could post a link that would be great thanks.

I don't understand the OVH SAS stuff and have trouble following it sorry. In layman's terms how did you get into the site early? As for the accusations I wasn't there so don't know unfortunately.



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