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Virg --
The reason that the termite tests in Almati were limited was precisely because the tests had to be controlled in order for the the secrets of the termites to be worked out. The final five termite experts were chosen from those players who put in the *days* (IRL) of work needed to figure out the pattern. All ranger aspirants were encouraged to help figure it out -- only a few did. The experts became experts by actually figuring out how to use the potions, it was not granted by the event team. These experts were all able to work on the destruction of the kitin Mounds using the termites. Of them, Daomei and Geyos were the only ones that I know of who actually did the work. They had help from other people (including myself) in controlling the multiple expressions of that destruction in terms of attacks of termite predators and kitins.

I don't dispute the fact that the select few had put in hard work. However they were originally given the basis to do the hard work. When I asked if in the early days of the termite mounds if I could attempt the solve the puzzle with my friends I was given a very blunt "only a few people can activate it". The said person involved didn't offer to activate the mini-game for me so I inquired as to who these others were and I very rarely spoke to any of these people. This put me off attempting the mini game itself.
The termite experiments were limited to the Ranger aspirants -- that seems to me to be reasonable because they were part of the development of an active Ranger faction.

I completely disagree with this. There were many people who wanted to be a ranger when they were first announced, and many who still think of it. Many have sadly been put off by the complete overtake of the rangers by RPers. Just because people don't attend meetings doesn't mean they don't aspire to be rangers. Many people actually actively hunt kitins and dig kitin larva in nests. Were these people given a chance to partake in the initial phases of the termite mounds? No, not at all. Were announcements made that people could apply to be an activator of this mini game? No, not at all.

The point I am making is that only a select few were given the chance to excel to begin with. Big surprise when some of these people excelled and put in the hard work. If everyone was given an equal opportunity at the start this wouldn't be an issue (except for the megacorp of course).



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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