Ryzom favorites club

Every aspirant ranger (cause there isn't ranger atm, you're right) was able to participate in the termit stuff, if they asked. In the end there was 8~10 people involved (not only one as you might think), and every people who asked were given the stuff.
For the mini-game there was more people however when I asked the one about the recent mound she said she was the only one who could. So that makes one person.
And yeah, there is a very good RP reason for the termit access to be controled. If you do experiment you don't want them to be destroyed by everybody, and if you try to destroy the mound (which has been done in lake / desert), you want it to be done. Since not everybody is a termit expert, it seems obvious to restrain the access only to the expert to make sure there is nothing done wrong and the mound can be destroyed.
Oh so the people who carried it out were termiite experts were they? Ah sorry I clearly didn't see their qualifications. It was a mini-game that was introduced and to start with people knew nothing. They worked it out and built up with experience- a chance only a select few were offered.

I asked to be able to join in both of these things and was told only a select few could. I stopped going to the meetings I will happily admit for a few reasons- the main one being RP isn't for me. The last meeting I went to there were a lot more than 8 aspiring rangers. Every single event is announced on the forums and is put in the calendar- except these ones. This was given to just a few people and many weren't even aware it was happening.
As for MegaCorp, sure there would have been beta testers, as there surely should have been beta testers, which obviously can't be everyone.
They may or may not have an advantage, but what does that have to do with the leaderboard?
Daomei openly admitted being allowed in before the event. The point is that there is a leaderboard of top donations. People tend to want to be top of leaderboards as there are usually prizes or just for the fame. People who were beta testing should have had their c60 wiped but this clearly was not the case as soon by some having tons more c60 than anyone else. This is a distinct advantage which no one can compete with seeing as everyone gets the same c60 per hour.
Last freak-out was about alt-scouting, where no one proved anything tangible
If many people saying that they had seen camping alts wasn't enough for you then I'm sorry you have no trust.
I was part of a beta test of the potions, when 4-5 teams of up to 8 people were attempting to figure the potions' effects -- on mounds located in Almati Woods.
Yes teams led by people who I don't really know or speak to much. The point I'm trying to make is that it wasn't open to everyone to just have a go which in my opinion is a big shame.



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