Ryzom favorites club

Last freak-out was about alt-scouting, where no one proved anything tangible, but instead went off "could"s building up an analogy to Christmas trees. The forum circle... I mean discussion went on and on and on to no end while the rest of the people were busy scouting for and killing the real bosses. Was fun to read for a bit, at least.

((and btw, I was beginning to buy the story so I was running around spamming /who while scouting. The *only* situation I could call somewhat fishy is 3 Ocyketh spawns camped by Dinorath, Yorran and a suspicious-looking alt. That's all, in more than a week of reading daily about supposed campers.))

So yeah.. let's read names and data this time, shall we? I find it hard to believe a cabale of In-The-Know players are here to steal our cookies. As Keldun says, ranger meetings were public; I was part of a beta test of the potions, when 4-5 teams of up to 8 people were attempting to figure the potions' effects -- on mounds located in Almati Woods. Those who put in the effort back then have every right to be selected now during events concerning those potions.

Oh, and if you think someone exploited a bug I believe you should be filing a ticket instead of harassing them all over Uni chat. But that's just me.


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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:40:11 UTC

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