Ryzom favorites club

Not sure what you are talking about there.

Ok, never heard about the mount mini game, so can't say much about it, but did it maybe have something to do with the termite/plant events?

The termite events are mostly Ranger RP. Everyone had the oportunety to join as they were announced on the callender beforehand.

Also from the reports you can tell there was some sort of repetitive actions needed both in the study and in the applications of the termites, somewhat similar to building the observation camps.

Also keep in mind that RP events can be somewhat different. At times, parts aren't developed beforehand but controlled live.

And how do you now that the other rangers didn't get the opportunity? Do you know any that were denied? Sure at times it seems Daomei and Bitty are the only ones participating, but is that because the others couldn't, or is it because the others wouldn't?

At least the Rangers are increadibly public about it, you barely hear anything from the Trytonists, except some rumors that they are skeeming a lot in the shadows.

As for MegaCorp, sure there would have been beta testers, as there surely should have been beta testers, which obviously can't be everyone.
They may or may not have an advantage, but what does that have to do with the leaderboard?
I was one of the first to synchronize and I have slighty more CR60 stored than anyone has donated so far.
There is no favoritism here, anyone had the same chance after the crash landing.


The only sane man is the one who considers himself to be insane. Im sane, btw. }¦-)>
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:49:26 UTC

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