Ryzom favorites club

yup don't understand it either and meenwhile there is a whole faction missing 90% ingame stuff and not exotic but really basic stuff.

But yeah there seems to be one group getting in on all the stuff and this early beta test just one of them.

I guess stuff needs to be tested and csr choose ppl they 'trust', but afterwards letting those ppl keep their points so they know for sure they will be in the top 4 is just sad and a stab in the back of all those who fought trough all the lag last night not knowing what was gonna happen.

Atleast removing this leader board or making the names of those early beta testers public would be nice. I have had uni off most of the day but atleast 3 ppl have said this morning  they got the access early and one of them messed up by donating over double of what anyone could have gathered in a night.
So can't denie it if it was really a bug some ppl had (unlickly seeing it's the same person everytime that has his name popup) then atleast I would like to meassures taken. Since event is death otherwise.


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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:39:54 UTC

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