Ryzom favorites club

I am writing this is reference to three occasions where aspects of the game have been closed to everyone bar a few selective people.

Firstly there was an interactive mini game that could be played with the kitin mounds. Only a few people could actually activate this. Assuming the dev time that went into this why was it only available to a select few?

Secondly a recent event with the applying of termites (or potions- not really sure) to the kitin mounds. I believe only 1 person could actually do this.

Thirdly access to I understand if someone was enabled early access for beta testing. However with a leaderboard of "top donations" why should said-person be allowed to top the leaderboard just because they were enabled early access.

In each of these examples similar people appear. Since when did this ryzom favorites club come into existence?

There are many decent ideas which people have worked hard to promote on the ideas forum. Funnily enough it seems the "favorite club" are the ones always trying to tear down these ideas (maybe they don't want dev attention being taken away from them??). Such ideas have been backed up with many polls and +1s over the years and yet nothing is done. So I have an idea for you devs:

Stop putting valuable time into creating things only a set few people can actually use. Either open up these activities for all or don't do them at all.

As for the early access to megacorp. If you are going to allow people early-bird tickets why let them benefit from it? Why was no one else given such an opportunity. Of course I am speculating that being top of the leader board is a benefit however many people having raced hard to be there.



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Last visit Friday, 20 September 10:27:54 UTC

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