lvl 260 Weapons

I have a suggestion for improvement to this game that would be greatly appreciated by many fighters. We all know that the magic users are at an advantage in this game. The armor is easier to create and wear, less bulky, and the magic spells do much more damage than melee weapons. The fighter is further burdened with heavy armor that cannot be used for any other purpose such as magic, digging, or crafting.

Many of the fighter's actions are already useful for weapons up to q275, such as the accurate attack stanza @275, and the increase damage @265. The fighter's strength will already allow the character to hold a level 260 weapon. Digging mats are not available above level 250, however, boss mats are available to level 270. So, if a melee weapons craft action was available in the four races that would create 260 level weapons, balance would be restored to the skills!


When I dig alone -- I prefer to be by myself
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 08:43:54 UTC

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