Looting as an answer to the outpost lock-out

Some short comments:

I liked the idea as well and discussed it a while with Bittty. My first concern was about potential abuse during handovers. Thus the proposal 1st of a cap of mats being conquered, and 2nd of a reduction of OP output equivalent to the stolen mats. That would make it a zero sum game, not a means of generating OP mat from nowhere.

The idea is that an attacker may win at most 5 pieces per attack phase. With an average chance of something between 20..33% (or possibly more or less), an attacker could leave with 0 mat in worst and 5 mat in best case, given a gain of at least 5 rounds (that would be extremely lucky). An average unsuccessful attacker who won, say 11 rounds but not in sequence, might leave with 3 to 4 mats. It would be an incentive, too, not to give up an attack only because the threshold cannot be reached anymore.

I do not see how an OP can be attacked several times during a week. I am not aware of the recent rules, but as far as I recall there always was a 2day period from declaration of war, then attack phase (24hrs), and defense phase (24hrs) max 2 days after attack, lasting 24hrs as well. That made (correct me if I am wrong) a max 6 and min 4 day wartime period from declaration to final result (with the OP war spam vanishing to the relief of the poor diggers nearby ;)). After that, there was, if I recall correctly, a minimum peace period of a week until the next declaration of war was possible.

I am not aware of the weekly production of recent OPs. In the old times, half and half mat/cats was common, with an output of about 1 mat per day iirc, even less taking in account degrades. Nowadays, there are no cats anymore, I heard, though, that mat yield is not much above half and half of the old times. OP holders kindly comment ;). Baseline for a number of max 5 mats loot per attack was that no more than the wartime production could be lifted from the OP.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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