Looting as an answer to the outpost lock-out

This is a very good idea and some good developments on it, however I believe some more fine-tuning is definitely needed.

Here is a possible scenario that could arise from the current version of the idea. This does assume some factors, such as having the dappers to declare on OPs regulary (something I know very little about) and of course also assumes that the attacks earn 5 OP mats every "visit" without winning. This is a worse case scenario, however it is a very real possibility:

If the attacker can get 5 OP mats per OP war I would see people attacking lots. This of course is the benefit- lots of OP wars. However if they attack 3 times a week they would get a total of 15 OP mats. This is more than the guild holding the OP would get in terms of production in week. Attacking regularly for a few weeks would cause a huge deficit of OP mats to the extent it would take months to repay the debt before the OP owners even got another OP mat. This would be a huge disadvantage to holding an OP, whilst the attackers get all the production and future production for not even winning the OP.

This is a good idea however I believe it needs fine-tuning to prevent the above scenario happening, otherwise no one would really want to hold an OP that produces no mats.



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