Looting as an answer to the outpost lock-out

In another thread, Afriel suggested the following:
I just have a weird idea on how to increase op wars. What I observed from the current setup is that a reward is lacking.

Supposed we change the mechanics and add something like:
1st phase
- every round an attacker wins, will get 1 mat the OP produce
- the max mats the attacker can get is the current threshold of the OP

2nd phase
- attacker can not get anymore mats as max mats was obtained on the 1st phase

Again, I'm sorry if I hijack the thread, but I think this will make more sense, it is more realistic since the attacker won a round then there is a possibility that the attacker looted something. Hehehehe. I think this will increase OP wars.

Daomei and I were discussing this, and while getting one OP mat per round won seems very high on the reward side, we thought that the idea had merit in terms of a real incentive to attack an OP, even if you thought you were sure to lose in the long run.  Therefore our modifications, with admiration to Afriel for his inspiration. (I am presenting this and have developed it.  Daomei may chime in with other comments.)

1st Phase is the only important phase, as with Afriel's idea.

For each round the attackers win, there is chance of obtaining one OP mat (delivered to the person who kills the last guard). The exact chance might be modified, but I think a 33% (25%?) chance is reasonable. (RP: During the winning round, one lucky attacker might find an OP mat in the hopper for the drill output prior to its being delivered into the GH of the OP holder)

Each time the attackers get an OP mat, it is subtracted from future production of the OP. (I.e. when the OP would normally produce a mat, if there are any liens on the production it will fail to produce.) (RP: It was taken out of the hopper, it can't be delivered.)

Attackers can win no more than 5 mats, no matter how many times they win a round. (RP: That's how many OP mats might be in the hopper at any one time.)  This keeps attackers from going for every other round for the full length of the war and possibly picking up 12 mats.

Advantages to the attacker:  They might get one or more OP mats without actually winning the battle for the OP. This gives a great incentive to attack with all the force you can muster. In addition, each one they win is one less for the opposing guild/faction/alliance. Result: More battles.

Advantage to massive PvP:  Defender wants to bring as much defensive force as possible to avoid losing mats.

Advantage to mercenaries:  OP mats are suddenly on the open market as potential rewards.

I don't see a downside other than possible coding problems for the devs.

 -- Bittty (with extreme thanks to Afriel)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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