Scarcity as an answer to the outpost lock-out

@Binarabi HAHAHA Its a shame that you take pride in helping the marauders, you dishonour the kami... Hopefully next time you won't be as naïve and won't fall for mara appeal ;)
Gkr (atys)
Binarabi (atys)

Not all kami were kicked - only the 1 ... so 2 kami guilds were accepted by Mauro - made a team of us, not a full team tho

Interesting perspective.. I dont wanna hurt your feelings cause you're a nice gal, but in reality we pretty much ignored you (you = kamis as a whole)..... :-/

But this really made it clear that next time I will kick each and everyone of you... because from fun and "killing karavan/matis" you made it political statement that we asked for help and we accepted you, which we didnt.

Hugs and kisses

From where i'm standing there isn't a real scarcity of mats at the time, simply the kami have many mouths (guilds) to feed to everyone gets a little instead of a bunch, i think that keeps the faction together (save for the kami shame) but put together the mats count for a larger number..

As for Virg's statement on faction co-op, i think it'd be nicer to have more strict RP, that could lead to amazing battles and eventually the *real* strongest faction would have power. Again, just my opinion..

HAHA shame on you Bina.
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