Scarcity as an answer to the outpost lock-out

Gorran (atys)
Binarabi (atys)
Virg (atys)
I believe there is an alternative route. Recently we saw marauders attack a karavan outpost. Kami were present on both sides of the fighting (although kami were kicked from the marauder side).
Not all kami were kicked - only the 1 ... so 2 kami guilds were accepted by Mauro - made a team of us, not a full team tho - think 2 kami fought side-by-side with karavan *is sick in a bag*

Guilds whose primary allegiance is to a nation will always fight against the Marauders meaning some Kami and Karavan guilds would stand side by side against the chaos of the Marauders.

Guilds whose primary allegiance is to a power will always attack the opposing power meaning Kami/Karavan would side with Marauders against the opposing power.

Both groups are equally justified using the justification of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Almost correct, expect that Marauder wont accept the other factions, only for the lolz - and in order to deflect this idea that marauders accepted kamis, we will kick all non-marauders from now on... because silly me, didnt realize how "hot" this issue is.. and people can immediately interpret it the wrong way, which is fine, I dont care.


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