Scarcity as an answer to the outpost lock-out

Bitttymacod (atys)
Mjollren --

  If there was a surplus of OP materials, reducing them slightly might be a good idea.

  As it is, I have seen no indication of a glut of OP materials.  There are no offers in the trade forum for "OP mat to trade for xxx sup mats", or even "q250 rubbarn jeweler's tool for sale, make offer." 

  Making the mats substantially less common would possibly increase PvP opportunities, but I think the most likely result would be even stronger alliances because the mats would become even more of a reward than they are now. 

  OP battles haven't been guild v. guild for as long as I have played, and I don't think that's going to change.

  In short, this is a horrid idea.  I'd be more inclined to support the numbers limitations (and that's a pretty horrible idea, too.)

IMHO, YMMV, etc.

Hey there... I totally respect you as a player and all that... but... all this coming from you, as a neutral player not engaging in any PvP... welll it's kinda dry...

You have almost no real experience when it comes to OP and PvP (that's my understanding, sorry if I'm assuming wrongly) and I'm only attacking your statements because I have seen this pattern before, ie:

people with no PvP/OP war interest telling what is good and what is bad... but you dont know how it feels when you are 30 vs 80 - once you do PvP, once you get involved I'm sure your perspective will change because you will realize some things the way they are right now, make a lot of other futile.

So if I were you I would keep my statements a bit more general than saying "this is horrible idea" - Why? we are trying to find a way here to make the OP wars more interesting as in, divide the armies - and by that I mean, each fraction have equal opportunity.

So please join the conversation but be realistic about what you can put on the table and what not...


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