Scarcity as an answer to the outpost lock-out

Mjollren (atys)
Let's consider the current situation: there are excessively many OP mats going around. The average guild has 5-10 active members in a week (again, it's a line in the sand, some have more, some less), and an item lasts certainly more than a week. What if OP mats were enough for just the owning guild, then? Let's say .. 7 q250 rubbarn per month, or 10 q200, 13 q150 and so on.

This suddenly slashes the motives behind the bigger alliance (whichever it is at the moment), because the more you grow the more difficult it is to share fairly or effectively.

Some of us just like fighting - scarce resources would not matter really compared with pleasure of murdering karavan/matis :D
Virg (atys)
I believe there is an alternative route. Recently we saw marauders attack a karavan outpost. Kami were present on both sides of the fighting (although kami were kicked from the marauder side).
Not all kami were kicked - only the 1 ... so 2 kami guilds were accepted by Mauro - made a team of us, not a full team tho - think 2 kami fought side-by-side with karavan *is sick in a bag*

Virg (atys)
I would hope to see deals, bargains, alliances etc. being struck between guilds of different factions as this would create uncertainty of numbers and hopefully generate more OP wars. An added bonus to this is that everyone would have the opportunity to get involved in any OP war, not just the two clashing factions.

Kami have every reason to grab a chance of killing karavan, karavan have every reason to kill kami at any chance, Mauro have every reason to kill both kami and karavan - so yes, we should see more of this sort of involvement

and Mauro did real well considering they only had 2 teams - just a few more kami would have swung balance - then ofc there would be the next declare on the EI op and lots of fighting - and with more balance of the sides - I would hire mauro to fight - having 2 of their teams is better than having 4-6 teams of homins who are not as skilled, mauro have lived by their wits for so long ... they survived the kitin when the rest of us left them behind!


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
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