Scarcity as an answer to the outpost lock-out

Umm... Lacuna -- I think you have a slight mixup in attributions.  That was Daomei who posted the WTB.

Your answer, however, implies that a person is  willing to beg their friends for mats, and implies further that they are actually social.  Neither of those is true in my case.  (I am commenting on this from a position of neutrality.  My GL is both social and capable of asking others for valuable gifts, from which I gain benefit. E.g. Armilo boosted focus jewel set.)

I simply submit that if there was actually a "glut" or "surplus" of OP mats, that there would be public trading of them.  A few mats to friends does not imply a "surplus" so much as "enough to make giving a few a nice gift."  This does imply that they are not critically scarce, but the further implication is that they are not flooding the market.

Mjollren -- I am not interested in acting to "create the right climate for the powerplayers" (whatever that might mean).  I just want to keep the possibility open that a social person like my GL might score a piece of armilo or two from time to time. Drastically reducing the number of OP mats means that will never happen.



Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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